Who doesn't want one of these?
Guys; it'll maximize her pleasure. Yours too! I promise.
Gals; Please! You have to do virtually NO work!
It's win, win!
Plus, the glow in the dark feature means that you'll never have to look at porn in the dark anymore!
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
10:36 p.m.
Effective immediately, I am resigning from my job to go to work for the "International Laboratory Safety Testing Standard" people.
Skylers Dad: I thought you might. I'm a testee. :)
Skyler's Dad: Too damn funny
OK so I'm kind of a prude, please explain the significance of it glowing in the dark? To see where you should aim? Enlighten me please.
I would gladly sport that on my ring finger instead of a diamond.
Food Grade ABS/TPR?? Wow, quality stuff!
There could be safety concerns if you're having sex on the beach... I mean suppose you inadvedently signal S.O.S and end up beaching a Coast Guard ship that came over to assist. Think if all the seamen wasted! There should be more testing. I'm worried.
You had me at:
Gals; Please! You have to do virtually NO work!
Oh my, "I see your schwarts is as big as mine" -Dark Helmet
wait, wait, wait... before I order, do I wear this on my TONGUE or my FINGERS??
pezda: I suppose it's to show you where to aim. Or to confuse you.
Amy: Amen!
Anon. Blogger: Nothing but the best!
Anonymous: OMFG. I almost spit out my Pepsi. Thank you.
Minty: *Bows* Thank you!
Big Orange: Wherever she wants it.
I've learned over time to NEVER use those things while sexing in the tub. I was almost left infertile...
Crazy Eddie: Well put. I shall remember this for future reference! :)
the problem with those things is they break too easily.
oh, wait. was that TMI?
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