
Well, I'm now part of the "Sassy Six."
My poor mother will be in a cast and sling soon if this keeps up.
I can't believe that I've stayed in it this long and would like to thank Gregg for allowing me to be a part of such a hilarious entity.
Thanks for voting kids! Keep up the good work!
Nice Blog
I just send hello to you!
You rule, Boob Lady. Enjoy the banner.
I am still voting for you. I have to help your mom out somehow.
It looks like "How To Kill People" is the next blog to bite the dust.
I'm voting, too!
I voted for you 10 times yesterday. WTF! and NOW you're out. This is bullsh|t!
Your blog is WAY better than those others. You're the Chris Daughtry of Blogger Idol.
Mario: Um, thanks! Hello? Way to pimp your blog.
Paul: Thank you Paul. Payback is yours.
Lynda: Thanks toots, it was all in vain though. BUT, mom says thanks! :)
Peter Matthes: We went down together. Dammit.
Marni: Thank you! :)
David: I know. Total bullshit. Thank you for voting though! It's not over. (haha, get it? Daughtry? ha.) Do you blog?
Punky: Done and done.
The sassy six huh...
I knew you could do it there Miss Boob Lady. It's nice to know that it's your unchallenged talent that got you where you are on the list... and not your boobies. They are the icing on the cake though...
Bless you child.
PS. Who am I kidding? I'm sure they got you the hetero vote. You go girl.
Crazy Eddie: I made it to the top six. That was it dammit. My boobies may have helped me a little. :) Bless YOU!
I don't blog because the only chance I get to spend time in front of the computer is at work. They would frown on the idea. I'm a hunt-and-peck typist and my proofreading sucks. I would spend way too much time typing something intelligible. That's also why I don't have a blog name and account. I don't want to sign up from my work PC.....
Blogger Idol was bullsh|t Your's is the way funniest out of all the entrants. Erica, who is on top of the leader board, doesn't even update daily and I didn't think she was all that funny. Nothing against her but,.... DAMN! I still think if you had provided some gratuitous nudity, you would have earned more votes. I would have voted 20 times instead of 10.
David: Thank you for your kind words. You've got me blushing over here. :) I'll remember the gratuitous nudity for next time. I have to get on the ball there.
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