Happy Easter...
(Original artwork created for my hilarious brother last Easter. Painted by The Ex-TM. xo)
Enjoy your day all!
Hope the Easter Bunny didn't kill you!
(Original artwork created for my hilarious brother last Easter. Painted by The Ex-TM. xo)
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
11:45 a.m.
Hit her in the Keister for Easter!
i always feel like roughing up the easter bunny.
it pisses me off.
I knew there was something creepy about the Easter bunny.
Unless Peter Cotton Tail comes along and visits me with a basket full of ganja, I want nothing to do with him...
Sorry I've been away girly. It's imperative that I catch up and completely harass you with my loving comments...
Happy Easter luscious.
thepapadog: lol, nice one.
Emma: Now it looks like the Easter bunny has done some roughing up of his own.
Big Orange: Yeah, you were right.
Crazy Eddie: Amen. I need you here Eddie. Don't leave me again!!!
Yikes. This is my biggest nightmare, what with the bunny fiasco in my life. The horror, the horror.
That's awesome.
Props for the two different colored eyes!
Anon blogger: I'm sorry. But it's a kick ass painting right?
Alexgirl: Ha! I know!
Skylers Dad: He's a great painter, he's fucked. :)
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