The Bachelorette...
Not that you care.
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
8:33 p.m.
People Got Sized
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
9:05 p.m.
People Got Sized
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
4:05 p.m.
People Got Sized
Phone call received on Tuesday, January 23, 2007.
*Ring, Ring*
Me: Store Spiel
Man On Phone: Hello "Boob Lady", do you have dancers?
Me: I beg your pardon sir?
MOP: Dancers, do you guys have dancers there? You know?
Me: No, I'm sorry sir, we don't.
MOP: Are you close to the Maxx?
Me: No sir, I'm in the mall and they're on such and such street.
MOP: Do you think they have dancers?
Me: I don't know sir, they are a dance bar.
MOP: So, they might have dancers then?
Me: Sure.
MOP: Thanks Boob Lady, have a nice day.
Me: You too.
**UPDATE: As per the comments, if I had my time back, I would have asked him how much he was willing to pay me. I would have come over and done the robot. I do a mean robot. **
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
10:18 p.m.
People Got Sized
So, I decided against the day by day recap.
I'll fill it in in this post in point form.
It's much more fun that way.
And it's way too painful to write it in detail.
Also, the shit just keeps on a comin'.
Monday: You already got.
Tuesday: My car won't start. A cab is called in the nick of time to get me to work. A $15.00 cab no less. Both ways.
Wednesday: My car won't start. This is the day of my winter tire appointment. Yeah, I know, you're thinking; "You're two days late Boob Lady, the snowstorm was on Monday." To that, I say: "Suck it." Call tow truck. Arrive at car appointment 4 hours late.
Thursday: Drop co-worker off at home, get pulled over by the po-po paddy wagon for going the wrong way up a one way street. I seriously had no idea. Don't have to-date paperwork in registration folder.
Friday: Seemingly harmless. Something sinister surely lurks...
Saturday: Not so bad.
Sunday: Work on day off.
Come on.
This has got to be a terrible karmic mistake doesn't it?
I'm a good person dammit.
I can't help it if Carl is a little bitch cleverly disguised as a tuna can on wheels.
Today, I get all prepared to leave for work, early no less, and attempt to drive down the hill.
Attempt being the operative word here.
I get a portion of the way down when it feels like my back tire may be stuck or dragging a piece of ice.
Turns out that my back wheel doesn't want to rotate AT ALL.
I don't notice this until I am through the toll bridge and need to pull over into their parking lot.
My back tire had ceased up and was basically staying still while the other three wheels were turning.
This led to me leaving a 123089710294871 foot skid mark from my apartment to the bridge.
I end up calling ANOTHER tow truck, the smarmy tow truck driver finally arrives, I take it to the auto shop, I am late for work, and my day is ruined.
At 6 pm, I go to pick up my car YET AGAIN and this time, I am assured that it should be smooth sailing from here on out.
Yeah, you said that last week dickhead.
And yes, your math is correct, that's two tow trucks in less than a week.
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
10:16 p.m.
People Got Sized
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
8:40 p.m.
People Got Sized
So, like I mentioned before, a lot has happened.
TM and I split up, I moved out, he moved away, and I am now living on my own.
It's wierd.
I never really envisioned myself at 26 living alone with two cats.
Now you can finally call me the crazy cat lady.
Except, I'm not crazy.
It's a new Chapter in the book that is The Boob Lady.
I hope you'll stay with me on my adventure and ride the coaster with me.
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
10:03 p.m.
People Got Sized
I'll be back on soon, lots has happened, lots to tell, little time to tell it.
Please be patient, I promise, it'll all be worth it in the end.
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
7:20 p.m.
People Got Sized
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
10:18 p.m.
People Got Sized
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
10:09 p.m.
People Got Sized