I frequent this comic strip every day.
I never posted one before now because, well, I didn't want to have to share.
They're awesome.
Seriously, go there and start at the beginning.
I promise you that you'll cringe, cry, laugh, snort, and keep going back for more.
(Not necessarily in that order..)
Fitted By
The Boob Lady
10:29 p.m.
Thanks for the comic tip - I am always looking for more.
My desktop is the one where the father (or adult) is standing over the child saying, " I have the cape I make the fucking woosh noises". Priceless...Good to see sick minds think alike!
This totally reminds me of Arrested Development, when G.O.B. worked for "Hot Cops". That was awesome. And this is awesome, it made me chuckle. Thanks!
I'm the same way with "Family Circus."
A long-time fave of Mitchieville.
Hot Cops Rule!
Skylers Dad: You're welcome!
~stis~: Fuck, I love that one!!
Flenker: I love Arrested Development. It was snatched away much too soon.
Princess Extraordinaire: Thanks. Welcome!
Grant Miller: Love it!
Reg: Excellent. That makes me happy!
Flannery Alden: Totally!!
I love it!
hahahaha niiiiice!
adding more funniness to your already funny blog...
i have to go and check this site out! thanks!
Haha... Boob lady, you have the best sense of humor ever. :)
I saw that cartoon strip before and thought it was amazingly insane. Lurved it...
Glad to see that you have the same demented humor as I...
You're my long lost love yo...
Besos para siempre
Explosm, for the win!
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