Monday, June 26, 2006

The Show

TM's third art show was on the 22nd. He's had two others, one in June of 2005, and another in November of '05. I was excited since it was the first one that I was actually able to go to.

I'd heard lots of stories about the past shows, and was a little scared to go to this one. I'd heard that the people there went nuts for his work. (Which I knew would happen, but I didn't realize to what extent some would go)

Stories of people stealing prints from eachother and guarding paintings had me a little nervous. The level of my nervousness only escalated when TM asked me to work the cash.

The show was slated to open at 6pm sharp. It was calm from about 5:30-5:45pm. Then, all hell broke loose.

I'm serious.

People started streaming in early and hunting for their favorite painting(s) or print(s).

The bigger crowds came at exactly 6pm. It was nuts. People were running up and down stairs yelling the names of the paintings out, telling people to stay away, yelling at me to mark it sold. There was nothing I could do. I was merely the money taker.

2 hours and 15 minutes later, all was over. It felt like a big ball of tumbleweed should have rolled by. He had sold almost all 60 pieces that he had there and the majority of his prints. It got to be so that I couldn't close the cash box.

It was nuts. I loved it.

So proud TM, I love you.

(P.S: I'm famous by association....)

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